This is us, Torie on the left and Kaitlyn on the right. (April 2013)

This is us, Torie on the left and Kaitlyn on the right. (April 2013)

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Original Design

These past couple of days we talked about our identity in Christ and how to live in freedom as who He created us to be. We talked about how God made us for a purpose, and that He wants to reveal that purpose to us. Just like He revealed His plan to Abraham in Genesis 17:3-8, to John the Baptist in Luke 1:13-17, and to Jeremiah in Jeremiah 1:4-5. We are each set apart to do something special for God! Imagine if Abraham hadn't followed God's plan? Where would we be today? We need to fulfill the purpose that God has given us.

So yesterday after class we all individually got together with a couple of leaders and asked God to reveal what He originally designed us for. It was so cool! As we prayed and heard from the Lord, I could already see how some of His purposes have already been playing out in my life! Things about my personality that I never would have really thought had significance as part of His plan, He put there on purpose to help me lead others towards Him! Just to hear what amazing things the Lord wants to do with my life was so exciting! The second part to this was asking what strongholds have been keeping me from being the person I was made to be. A stronghold is an obstacle between us and God, a place where we have given Satan control in our life. My obstacle was definitely fear - insecurity, fear of man, shyness (inferiority pride also tied in with this.) So we prayed and asked God to reveal what may have started this fear in my life. We didn't get a specific answer, but for as long as I can remember I have always been afraid, especially as a kid. I think that it's just a place that I let Satan have control over when I was young, and without thinking too much of it, it's just grown with me. So then I got to do the four "R's." Repent, Receive, Rebuke, Replace. First, I repented and asked God to forgive me for believing the lies Satan has been feeding me, then I received His forgiveness. Then I rebuked the devil, which was awesome! Due to the fear I was so consumed by, I never wanted to before. Even while here at YWAM. So it felt really great to know that in Christ I have the authority to tell Satan to get the heck out of my life, and I don't have to be afraid to do it! And then I asked God to reveal His truth to me to replace the lies I had believed. This is an important step, because in Luke 11:24-26 we see that it's not enough to simply clean out the lies. We have to replace them with truth so when Satan comes back to try again He won't be able to enter our lives.

Yesterday was such a great day! It was so amazing to have this break through in my relationship with Christ! I feel so much freedom now, and even though I know there will always be more stuff to work through, I'm so excited to see what God's going to show me next!

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