This is us, Torie on the left and Kaitlyn on the right. (April 2013)

This is us, Torie on the left and Kaitlyn on the right. (April 2013)

Friday, January 31, 2014


Hey Everyone!

    Wow, time is just flying by so quickly!  For one, I can't believe it's already been almost a whole year since we started this page.  Even though we really haven't posted that much.  I guess we kinda fail at this whole "blog" thing haha.  Time just got away from me I guess!  After my sister's wedding, (which was a blast!) we got to go visit them for Thanksgiving, then we traveled for Christmas, and now here we are in the New Year! 

    Another reason I've been so busy is because I've been getting ready to go to YWAM this Spring! For a while I was beginning to worry that I wouldn't be ready in time for the DTS (Discipleship Training School.)  I had applied last summer for the DTS, and I thought that I would be able to get my forms out no problem.  That was the easy part, right?  Wrong.  I wasn't able to get all the forms sent out until this month.  Then I still had to get a new passport, get shots, and raise the rest of my tuition money. I still had a long way to go before I had the rest of that tuition.  Needless to say, I was starting to freak out a little bit.  I kept praying and reminding myself that God will provide the funds, but it was still difficult to keep from getting worried that maybe it wouldn't work out.  I believe that God was just testing me, seeing how long I would keep trusting Him, because sure enough, one day I got a letter in the mail. I never expected what would be inside!  I had received a very generous donation, and from that moment on everything else started falling into place!  I was able to send out the rest of my forms, I set aside the last bit of tuition money I needed, and I had applied for my new passport!  A huge weight had been lifted, and I was so amazed to see God working in this process! My new passport has now arrived, and all I have left to do is get one more shot!

    My DTS date is creeping up on me, and I'm so excited to see what God will show me in this season of my life!  I'm going to be gone for five months, and it's going to be really hard to be away from my family for that long; but I also know that I'm going to make new friendships, and that this will be an experience I will always remember.  I can't wait to see what's in store!