This is us, Torie on the left and Kaitlyn on the right. (April 2013)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Hey ya'll! Here are some of those random videos Kaitlyn mentioned! Kaitlyn and I went to the park while I was there.. Superman on the swings. She's pro and I'm a major armature at it! Incredibly fun though, if you haven't tried this, do it!
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Life Update :)
Hey guys! So, Torie went home a few days ago, and now life is kinda back to it's same old routine of school and work... But, we have some videos for you guys from while she was here! If we can get them to upload, that is! (This is where the "random, crazy posts" part comes in..) So if we can get it to work for us, we hope you enjoy our weird, randomness! ;)
Oh! And we're sorry that we haven't posted in the past couple of days! We've been getting back into the swing of things (AKA, our same old, boring routines..) But we're back on track now! :)
Oh! And we're sorry that we haven't posted in the past couple of days! We've been getting back into the swing of things (AKA, our same old, boring routines..) But we're back on track now! :)
Friday, February 15, 2013
Just some thoughts..
Something I think would be amazing to do, is to regularly go to an orphanage and spend time with the children. I always wonder what it's like for the kids who don't get adopted, and have to be out on their own when they turn eighteen. I think it would be great to be someone those kids could go to, and talk with. I would love to go teach them about Jesus, and be that person in their lives. Even for the children who do get adopted, it would be a great role to play in their lives, and something they could look back on. It just seems like such a great way to show kids the love of Christ. To show them that they're not forgotten or unwanted, and that people do love and care about them. Especially God. Just some thoughts of mine... :)
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Adoption vs. Abortion
Adoption vs. Abortion
When faced with the obstacle of becoming pregnant with an unwanted child, many women face a choice. This choice is whether they should choose putting their child up for adoption, or get an abortion. If the woman were to choose adoption, she would be giving her child the opportunity to find a loving home, with people who either can't have children of their own, or just wish to extend their family and help children who do not yet have one. If the woman chooses adoption, she gives her child a chance.
Many, though, choose the alternative. Believing that no one would want a child conceived through rape, or that orphanages are too crowded and bring more harm than good, they decide to just abort the child. A woman may believe that abortion is a process, just a "quick fix" to their problem; however, abortion harms not only the baby, but also the mother. When a woman chooses abortion, she not only takes away the child God gave her - she also takes away the chance at life that God gave that child.
Adoption should be the solution to unintended or unwanted pregnancies; but sadly, abortion seems to be chosen more often than adoption.
The Truth About Abortion
Here's something I wrote about a year ago, and felt like adding to the blog. :)
This post is not meant to convict those who have had an abortion. It is only meant to show others the truth about abortion.
A word we are very familiar with.
A word that people use so carelessly, you wouldn’t realize how devastating its action really is.
An action many people support without fully understanding what it means.
I want to help you understand what it means.
Think about what you know of this word - Abortion. To most, it means almost nothing. It means simply removing a clump of cells that may one day become an inconvenience. It means getting rid of a reminder of a traumatic experience. It means controlling possible overpopulation.
But to me, it means murder. Murder of an innocent baby, who never intended to become your inconvenience, but your loveable child. It means killing a defenseless child, that is as much as an innocent victim of that traumatic experience as you are. It means slaughtering millions of babies, God’s gifts, for no better reason than our own selfishness.
Those who support abortion, or are “pro-choice,” pose the argument that the mother should be able to do what they want with their body. But they aren’t dealing with their own body, they are dealing with a child’s. Their child’s. The baby’s blood is separate from the mother’s, making the child a separate life. “The life of the flesh is in the blood…” Leviticus 17:11
Another argument is that if a woman has been raped, surely she can abort the child. But that child is just as much a victim as she is. God has a plan for that child. Murdering that baby is not your right. That baby is God’s gift- not your curse. Sadly, some never get to realize it.
Looking at sonograms and pictures in my school textbooks, it amazes me how so many people can say that a fetus is not a child. That it is only cells. When it has a heartbeat at only eighteen days of conception. All body systems are present by eight weeks, and are fully functioning by eleven weeks. The brain is present, already sending impulses at six weeks and is fully formed by twelve weeks. While it takes four to six weeks, if not longer, to get a pregnancy test. The Latin word “fetus” even means “small baby" or "unborn baby." It is alive from the point of conception. “And the children struggled within her..” Genesis 25:22, “He took his brother by the heel in the womb..” Hosea 12:3, “the baby leaped in her womb..” Luke 1:41
But many of us don’t believe it.
Some aren’t even aware.
We’ve been misinformed. Lied to.
We’ve also been misinformed of the physical and emotional pain it causes the mother, the child, and sometimes the father. When a woman goes in for an abortion, she most likely isn’t aware that she will see her child delivered, scorched and burned, due to the saline solution that has been injected into his body. This is known as the saline method. These women probably aren’t aware that their children are being vacuumed out of their womb, body part by body part – the suction method. That their fragile flesh is being torn to pieces, as if thrown into a blender, inside of her own body. The dilation and evacuation method. If they are aware, one thing they don’t expect is the immense guilt they feel after the process. The years of “what ifs,” wondering how life could have been if they decided against abortion. Missing their baby. The one they got rid of to better their own lives, while in turn, only made it worse. While they watched their newborn laid aside on a counter, to sit helplessly, ignored by doctors and nurses. Just left there to die - the hysterotomy. Imagine the emotional damage done to that mother.
I want to inform you. Abortion is murder. That is an unborn child, not a bunch of cells. That is a mother, who will regret her decision. Abortion is something we’ve become desensitized to. We can’t be desensitized. We can’t let this become a meaningless topic. This is a serious issue. An issue that takes millions of innocent lives.
Don’t ignore the issue.
“For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be.” Psalm 139:13-16
Christian or not, If you are reading this and you have already had an abortion, I want you to know that this is NOT meant to judge you or make you feel like a horrible person. You can’t undo what has already been done, and we don’t hate you for doing it. As I said at the very beginning, this is only meant to inform others, and to keep them from going through what you have gone through. I want you to know, if you don’t already, that God loves you, and will forgive you if you just go to Him and ask for forgiveness. “Return to the Lord your God. Your sins have been your downfall! Take words with you and return to the Lord. Say to Him: ‘forgive all our sins and receive us graciously, that we may offer the fruit of our lips.’ I will heal their waywardness and love them freely, for My anger has turned away from them.” Hosea 14:1-2, 4
Christ is the only way to once again have peace. He’s the only one who can help you overcome. He still loves you, and so do we.
This post is not meant to convict those who have had an abortion. It is only meant to show others the truth about abortion.
A word we are very familiar with.
A word that people use so carelessly, you wouldn’t realize how devastating its action really is.
An action many people support without fully understanding what it means.
I want to help you understand what it means.
Think about what you know of this word - Abortion. To most, it means almost nothing. It means simply removing a clump of cells that may one day become an inconvenience. It means getting rid of a reminder of a traumatic experience. It means controlling possible overpopulation.
But to me, it means murder. Murder of an innocent baby, who never intended to become your inconvenience, but your loveable child. It means killing a defenseless child, that is as much as an innocent victim of that traumatic experience as you are. It means slaughtering millions of babies, God’s gifts, for no better reason than our own selfishness.
Those who support abortion, or are “pro-choice,” pose the argument that the mother should be able to do what they want with their body. But they aren’t dealing with their own body, they are dealing with a child’s. Their child’s. The baby’s blood is separate from the mother’s, making the child a separate life. “The life of the flesh is in the blood…” Leviticus 17:11
Another argument is that if a woman has been raped, surely she can abort the child. But that child is just as much a victim as she is. God has a plan for that child. Murdering that baby is not your right. That baby is God’s gift- not your curse. Sadly, some never get to realize it.
Looking at sonograms and pictures in my school textbooks, it amazes me how so many people can say that a fetus is not a child. That it is only cells. When it has a heartbeat at only eighteen days of conception. All body systems are present by eight weeks, and are fully functioning by eleven weeks. The brain is present, already sending impulses at six weeks and is fully formed by twelve weeks. While it takes four to six weeks, if not longer, to get a pregnancy test. The Latin word “fetus” even means “small baby" or "unborn baby." It is alive from the point of conception. “And the children struggled within her..” Genesis 25:22, “He took his brother by the heel in the womb..” Hosea 12:3, “the baby leaped in her womb..” Luke 1:41
But many of us don’t believe it.
Some aren’t even aware.
We’ve been misinformed. Lied to.
We’ve also been misinformed of the physical and emotional pain it causes the mother, the child, and sometimes the father. When a woman goes in for an abortion, she most likely isn’t aware that she will see her child delivered, scorched and burned, due to the saline solution that has been injected into his body. This is known as the saline method. These women probably aren’t aware that their children are being vacuumed out of their womb, body part by body part – the suction method. That their fragile flesh is being torn to pieces, as if thrown into a blender, inside of her own body. The dilation and evacuation method. If they are aware, one thing they don’t expect is the immense guilt they feel after the process. The years of “what ifs,” wondering how life could have been if they decided against abortion. Missing their baby. The one they got rid of to better their own lives, while in turn, only made it worse. While they watched their newborn laid aside on a counter, to sit helplessly, ignored by doctors and nurses. Just left there to die - the hysterotomy. Imagine the emotional damage done to that mother.
I want to inform you. Abortion is murder. That is an unborn child, not a bunch of cells. That is a mother, who will regret her decision. Abortion is something we’ve become desensitized to. We can’t be desensitized. We can’t let this become a meaningless topic. This is a serious issue. An issue that takes millions of innocent lives.
Don’t ignore the issue.
“For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be.” Psalm 139:13-16
Christian or not, If you are reading this and you have already had an abortion, I want you to know that this is NOT meant to judge you or make you feel like a horrible person. You can’t undo what has already been done, and we don’t hate you for doing it. As I said at the very beginning, this is only meant to inform others, and to keep them from going through what you have gone through. I want you to know, if you don’t already, that God loves you, and will forgive you if you just go to Him and ask for forgiveness. “Return to the Lord your God. Your sins have been your downfall! Take words with you and return to the Lord. Say to Him: ‘forgive all our sins and receive us graciously, that we may offer the fruit of our lips.’ I will heal their waywardness and love them freely, for My anger has turned away from them.” Hosea 14:1-2, 4
Christ is the only way to once again have peace. He’s the only one who can help you overcome. He still loves you, and so do we.
God's love for us..
Here's a cool thought that came to mind last week :)
God wants us to love Him the way we want our male-interest (our word for crush or guy you like) to love us. As they walk by we hope they take notice of us or hope they stop to talk to us. We want them to make the first move, talk to us, get to know us and lastly we want them to love us. As girls we eventually give up on our male-interest and move on...
In the same way God wants our love. He sees us every day walk right by without talking to Him or even noticing He's there. He waits for us to talk to Him. He waits for us to know Him. He waits for us to love Him back.
Thing is, God's love is different; He waits forever. He doesn't give up and stop loving us, move on to someone new.. He loves us specifically. He loves us for eternity!
God wants us to love Him the way we want our male-interest (our word for crush or guy you like) to love us. As they walk by we hope they take notice of us or hope they stop to talk to us. We want them to make the first move, talk to us, get to know us and lastly we want them to love us. As girls we eventually give up on our male-interest and move on...
In the same way God wants our love. He sees us every day walk right by without talking to Him or even noticing He's there. He waits for us to talk to Him. He waits for us to know Him. He waits for us to love Him back.
Thing is, God's love is different; He waits forever. He doesn't give up and stop loving us, move on to someone new.. He loves us specifically. He loves us for eternity!
Hi! Well, the title just about says it all -- We are two best friends who created a blog! Although the main reason we wanted to make a blog was so we could share our views on serious topics of today's society, don't be surprised if you see some random, crazy posts! We are two best friends, after all. Thank you for taking the time to check us out! We hope you enjoy our blog!
Oh! And we also ask that if you have a different view on these topics, and feel the need to express your opinions, please do it in a kind manner! We're not here to pick fights, so we don't want aggressive comments. Thank you! :D
~Torie and Kaitlyn
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